of Basic Nursing 4th Edition PDF Download Ebook. Lois White, Gena
Duncan and Wendy Baumle provide solid foundation of introductory
material for a practical or vocational nursing course of study. The text
focuses on fundamental concepts such holistic care, legal
responsibilities, communication, and client teaching.
Step-by-step basic, intermediate and advanced nursing procedures are presented with full color photos and figures further illustrating the skill. New chapters to this edition include a chapter on self-concept and the promotion of physical and mental wellness, as well as a chapter on spirituality. Abundant special features, NCLEX style questions, and the loaded new StudyWARE CD-ROM make this an engaging, student-friendly text.
Step-by-step basic, intermediate and advanced nursing procedures are presented with full color photos and figures further illustrating the skill. New chapters to this edition include a chapter on self-concept and the promotion of physical and mental wellness, as well as a chapter on spirituality. Abundant special features, NCLEX style questions, and the loaded new StudyWARE CD-ROM make this an engaging, student-friendly text.
This study tool will help you understand the text content, organize
your study time, and ace your nursing exams. The 57 chapters in this
guide correspond to the textbook chapters and include varied exercises
to test your knowledge and help you apply fundamental nursing principles
and skills. Use this guide to reinforce content you already know and
identify areas in which you should concentrate your study efforts.
All procedures follow the detailed nursing process format. Procedures begin with an overview linking the procedure to text content, then list all equipment needed, then walk step-by-step through the nursing process to outline all details of the procedure, including photographs and line drawings as appropriate.
Sample Nursing Care Plans provide a model for creating effective care plans (all updated to reflect the most current NANDA Definitions and Classifications), while Case Studies allow the reader to use critical thinking skills to develop additional care plans based on the information provided.
All procedures follow the detailed nursing process format. Procedures begin with an overview linking the procedure to text content, then list all equipment needed, then walk step-by-step through the nursing process to outline all details of the procedure, including photographs and line drawings as appropriate.
Sample Nursing Care Plans provide a model for creating effective care plans (all updated to reflect the most current NANDA Definitions and Classifications), while Case Studies allow the reader to use critical thinking skills to develop additional care plans based on the information provided.
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